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Pieces of Me

Written by Kate McLaughlin
Published by MacMillan, St Martin Press

WATCH HERE – Author Visit – Released on Mar. 20th


Vision Board — .doc
Word Search — .pdf
Book Review — .doc 
Mental Health Supports — .doc 


The next gut-punching, compulsively readable Kate McLaughlin novel, is about a girl finding strength in not being alone.

When eighteen-year-old Dylan wakes up, she’s in an apartment she doesn’t recognize. The other people there seem to know her, but she doesn’t know them – not even the pretty, chiseled boy who tells her his name is Connor. A voice inside her head keeps saying that everything is okay, but Dylan can’t help but freak out. Especially when she borrows Connor’s phone to call home and realizes she’s been missing for three days.

Dylan has lost time before, but never like this.

Soon after, Dylan is diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder and must grapple not only with the many people currently crammed inside her head but that a secret from her past so terrible she’s blocked it out has put them there. Her only distraction is a budding new relationship with Connor. But as she gets closer to finding out the truth, Dylan wonders: will it heal her or fracture her further?

Kate McLaughlin’s Pieces of Me is raw, intimate, and surprisingly hopeful.


Kate McLaughlin has written a lot of books under several pen names. In fact, McLaughlin isn’t her real name either. What is real, however, is Kate’s love of writing, which she’s been doing since she was eight years old. She wrote her first book at age twelve. Fortunately that book was never published. Sixteen years later, during a return to university, she sold her first book (to the shock of her older sister) and she’s been published ever since (trust me, it’s been a long time). The only thing she likes to do almost as much as she loves writing is talking about writing. She has taught several creative writing classes and hopes to do so again in the near future. Kate and all of her many names live in Connecticut with her husband and is currently working on at least three different books because there’s always a new shiny idea popping into her head. She’s also working on a script because she obviously needs more to do. Pieces of Me is her 50th published work and is her favorite. Until the next one comes out.



Instagram: @AlterKates

Twitter/X: @AlterKates

Facebook: KateMcLaughlinBooks


Pieces of Me, April 2023
Daughter, March 2022
What Unbreakable Looks Like, July 2020