Summer Reading Toolkit
Are you looking for a way to keep your child reading this summer? Hundreds of children fall victim to the summer slide: when students lose academic development and achievement gains over the summer months. Contrary to popular belief, 76% of kids enjoy reading books over the summer (Scholastic Canada, 2017).
This Summer Reading Toolkit for Parents was designed by the Ontario Library Association to help parents help their kids through the summer months. It was made possible by a generous Parents Reaching Out (PRO) grant from Ontario’s Ministry of Education.
Want more summer reading fun? Check out the Forest of Reading Evergreen Program for adults, and the Forest of Reading Kid/Teen Committee reading lists!
View the Summer Reading Toolkit
Use this Toolkit to discover engaging summer reading programs and keep your child reading this summer. We’ve centralized information and suggestions for summer reading opportunities. We’ve cultivated the best reading programs available, listed reading festivals across Ontario, and provided alternative reading suggestions and tips for reluctant readers.
Don’t forget to check out our Summer Reading Lists that are picked by Kids & Teens each Spring. Here are the latest year:
A full list back from 2017 can be found on the Kid & Teen Committee Lists page.