We’re excited to announce a unique art and design contest for all Forest of Reading registrants!
This is your chance to showcase your creativity by taking inspiration from the 2025 Forest of Reading nominees in any program. Whether you’re inspired by a favourite character, a magical scene (or theme!), or lessons from these titles, we invite you to showcase that through your artwork.
A jury will choose one submission in April, and the Forest of Reading team will display the winning artwork at the annual Festival in May 2025!
Guidelines & FAQs:
Q: How do you want us to submit our artwork?
A: Please submit your work as a PDF, JPG, or PNG file to hchevreau@accessola.com.
Please don’t send us the original artwork!
Please rename the file to include the artist’s name and school, for example: “Gemma – Mapleview Public School.jpg”
In your email, make sure to include:
- The artist’s name
- School/library
- A contact person’s email address
- Which program and book your submission relates to
- All submissions should be signed with the artist’s name and school or institution in the bottom right corner.

Q: Can I submit digital art?
A: Yes, of course! We want to see you get creative however feels best for you. You can paint, draw, knit, sculpt, take photos, sing a song– any imagery related to the Forest of Reading is encouraged as is the spirit of reading enjoyment. We invite you to go beyond the book and imagine new possibilities or alternative endings. Let your creativity run wild!
Q: Can I submit something I made with a friend?
A: Individual and/or group submissions will both be accepted.
Q: Is there a limit on how many pieces we can submit?
A: No! Submit as many pieces as you feel inspired to create!
Contest Information:
Number of Prizes: 1
Prize: One winning artist will receive Forest of Reading merchandise from The Library Marketplace (Value: $150).
Submissions: Please email submissions with images as PNG or JPG to hchevreau@accessola.com. Be sure to include the school/library name, the artist’s name, a contact person who can be reached if a winner is selected, and the 2025 nominated title that the artwork is inspired by. All submissions should be signed with the artist’s name and their school or institution in the bottom right corner.
Deadline: May 1, 2025.
Please Note: The winner grants permission for the Ontario Library Association to use the submission for any purpose related to the Forest of Reading program.

For more information, please contact forest@accessola.com