
Harbourfront has a driveway where buses drive in, drop off, and turn around. There will be security guards to direct the bus drivers. Volunteers will help ensure kids get off/on buses safely at the beginning and end of the day.

Junior Librarian Training Camp and Games

The Festival has onsite games that attendees can participate in. Volunteers ensure that readers form lines in an orderly fashion, get stamps after they have played, and ensure everyone is having fun in a safe environment. Several volunteers are at each station to cover bathroom breaks and maintain order. This is an enthusiastic station; volunteers are encouraged to be energetic, friendly, and fun with the kids participating.

Nominee Workshop Volunteer

Some authors/illustrators request a volunteer to assist with their workshop. The volunteer is their consistent contact and assistant. In the morning, introduce yourself and check to see if there’s anything they need. It is important to say that you are there to be of assistance and escort them to their workshop.  Nominees often spend time in the Green Room before their session.

Please escort the nominee’s to their workshop and check to see that they have everything they need, including water. Once the nominees are ready to begin, help students enter in an orderly fashion. You can stay to attend the workshop, or wait at least 20 minutes to be certain things are running smoothly.

Autographing Lines

A highlight of the Festival for the students is getting autographs from their favourite authors/illustrators. The authors/illustrators have assigned seating and autograph times throughout the day. The chaperones will have received an autographing schedule. While on site, please familiarize yourself with the schedule.

The line-ups for autographs get very lengthy and need to be monitored. Ensure that readers AND chaperones are being fair and that authors/illustrators are comfortable and safe. When the Author/Illustrator lines get too lengthy or to wrap-up the signing, you will cut the line off and direct the flow of readers.

The autographing happens at the centre of the entire Festival, so it’s a great way to get a fantastic Festival experience.

Tattoo Station

Readers can choose from a variety of Forest of Reading temporary tattoos. Volunteers will help children choose a tattoo and apply it. Limit of one tattoo per reader.

First Book – Book Zone

Readers can come here to to get a book.  They first must obtain a ticket/sticker from the games around the venue. Volunteers should monitor the area closely to ensure that readers come and go with only one book. 

Photo Booth

Crowd control on the line ups, maintaining order and turn taking, sharing, ensuring the props stay with the booth, keeping the booth tidy and organized.

Stage – Escort Acts

Keeping children and escorts off the stage and ensuring the acts arrive and depart the stage safely and without hassle


Ensuring you have all schedules with you and can direct young people and chaperones to where they need to be.