Information for Parents
The Forest of Reading Award Programs are where children and young adults pick the winner! Get your young readers involved in the largest recreational reading program in the country!
Readers choose a program that they would like to be a part of, usually based on their age or grade, and simply begin reading! They can read all ten of the titles, or pick and choose to read only the ones they are interested in. Participants are encouraged to read at least five of the ten titles to be eligible to vote in April. This program aims to encourage a genuine and life-long love of reading among readers of all ages.
Parents can help their children become a part of this successful reading program in a number of ways. Speak to the teacher-librarian at your student’s school to encourage participation in this program, or to offer to volunteer your time helping to run the program. Alternatively, you can enrol your family in a Forest program at your local library. You can even register your family in a program and enjoy the Forest in your very own home!
The Forest of Reading is an excellent opportunity for young readers to get to know imaginative and creative Canadian authors/illustrators, as well as supporting these amazing artists and the Canadian publishing industry as a whole.
Visit Resources page for Marketing materials to view and download free resources on the Forest of Reading.
Read the Forest of Reading Selection Policy
How Can Parents Help?
For most schools and libraries, one of the biggest obstacles in running these programs is in obtaining funds for the books. Libraries will welcome this type of financial support. If you are unable to donate money, consider offering your time. Often, there are a number of fundraising opportunities that can be used to raise money for this great program, and schools and libraries flourish with the help of parent volunteers!
Over 270,000 students from kindergarten to Grade 12 participate in the Forest of Reading program every year. The Forest programs are purely recreational, encourage engagement and are meant to encourage the love of reading. It can be fun for the entire family — read some of the books aloud or discuss them together! Be sure to check out our Resources section for great ideas on how to get your kids engaged and reading.
The programs culminate in an action packed two-day event, the Forest of Reading Festival, held in May at Toronto’s Harbourfront Centre. More than 6,000 young readers attend this event and kids meet authors and participate in workshops and many other fun activities.