Nominee Visits - In-person events
One of the most exciting parts of the Forest of Reading is when nominees get to connect with their young fans. We encourage program registrants to reach out to the authors and have them visit in person or virtually.
Consider having nominated authors & illustrators visit for book talks, workshops or a Q&A. Having nominees connect with readers is a great way to form connections with books. Any budding young authors will get a first-hand encounter that may further develop their interest in writing.
The Forest of Reading likes to promote nominees as many wish to book school and library visits. Contact information for each author and illustrator is available on their book’s nominee page. We encourage you to get in touch with them about visits. If the nominee is a member of Authors’ Booking Service (ABS), they can be booked directly through ABS.
To help you find any nominee’s website more easily, go to the Readers’ Hideout, click the seal of the program you’re running, and then the book you’d like to be in touch about.
Registered participants of the Forest have access to ‘How to host an author visit – tips and tricks’ on the password portion of the site.