Other Reading Lists
Please Note: These lists are separate from the award programs. No resources are provided through the password portion of the website for current registrants.
Light Reads, Great Stories List
Are you looking for books to support adult learners in your community? Light Reads, Great Stories (formerly the Golden Oak Award Program) is a curated list, selected by library professionals to help libraries, literacy centres and schools put curated titles on their shelves for adult learners and ESL students.
Check out the Light Reads, Great Stories List!
For readers in adult literacy programs, ESL students and readers, and adult learners.
SELECTION COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Myra Junyk (Chair), Sonia Doyon, Gail Kavelman, Lynella Reid-James
*Please note the 2024 List is the last Light Reads, Great Stories list as the decision to sunset this list for the time being was made in the Fall of 2023. We do hope that professionals will continue to use these lists to build their collections.
Kid Committee List
As chosen by our Kid Committee, comprised of readers from Grades 4 to 6 and Grades 7 and 8.
Teen Committee List
As chosen by our Teen Committee, comprised of readers from high school.
OLA Best Bets Committee
As chosen by the Ontario Public Library Association Best Bets Committee, these lists select child and young adult books.
Golden Oak Award (Retired)
From 2003 to 2018, the Golden Oak Award program provided a unique opportunity for new readers in adult literacy programs to read books chosen specifically for them. This program helped new adult readers to gain the skills to accomplish everyday tasks, as well as foster the love of reading. The last award was given in June 2018.