Programs for Kids

Blue Spruce Award™
JK-Grade 2, picture books
The Blue Spruce Award™ program brings recently published Canadian children’s picture books to children between the ages of 4 and 7 (Junior Kindergarten to Grade 2). For many children, this is their first introduction to the world of books. This program promotes reading for enjoyment and begins to develop a child’s skill in evaluating a picture book based on story, text and pictures.
Award Given: Forest of Reading Festival in Toronto in May
Current Nominees
Archive of Nominees & Winners – From 2002 to present

Silver Birch Express Award®
Grades 3-4, fiction, non-fiction
The Silver Birch Express Award is unique in providing a mix of fiction and non-fiction titles for readers at different reading levels. Especially for those young people in Grades 3 to 4, or the reluctant reader. This program is sure to get them excited about reading!
Award Given: Forest of Reading Festival in Toronto in May
Current Nominees
Archive of Nominees & Winners – From 2008 to present

Silver Birch Fiction Award®
Grades 5-6, fiction
The Silver Birch Fiction Award® is meant for readers aged 8 to 12, (Grades 3-6). One of the Forest of Reading’s most popular award programs, this is the one that started it all! Geared towards those in Grades 5 and 6, from fantastical, fun titles to serious, life-learning tales, this program provides a variety of stories for readers to enjoy.
Award Given: Forest of Reading Festival in Toronto in May
Current Nominees
Archive of Nominees & Winners – From 1994 to present

Yellow Cedar Award
Grades 4-8, non-fiction
The Yellow Cedar Award program is the only Forest of Reading list that is composed of non-fiction books geared to readers from Grades 4-8. Readers will learn about real-life stories and facts – these books are definitely conversation starters!
Award Given: Forest of Reading Festival in Toronto in May
Current Nominees
Archive of Nominees & Winners – From 2019 to present
Archive of Red Maple Non-Fiction Nominees & Winners (now Yellow Cedar) – From 2005 to 2019
Archive of Silver Birch Non-Fiction Nominees & Winners (now Yellow Cedar) – From 1994 to 2019

Red Maple Award™
Grades 7-8, fiction
The Red Maple Award™ reading program is offered for the enjoyment of students ages 12 to 13, in Grades 7 and 8. This program includes a Fiction list every year. This program aims to get readers engaging in conversation around the books and encourages them to use critical thinking while reading.
Award Given: Forest of Reading Festival in Toronto in May
Current Nominees
Archive of Fiction Nominees & Winners – From 1998 to present

White Pine Award™
Grades 9-12, fiction
The White Pine Award™ reading program offers teens of all ages the opportunity to read the best of Canada’s recent young adult fiction titles. This program promotes reading for enjoyment and familiarizes teenagers with great Canadian books.
Award Given: Forest of Reading Festival in Toronto in May
Current Nominees
Archive of Fiction Nominees & Winners – From 2002 to present
Archive of Non-Fiction Nominees & Winners – From 2012 to 2014

Le prix Peuplier
(albums, moins de texte, sujets simples, convenant parfaitement à la lecture à haute voix)
Le prix Peuplier est une introduction amusante à l’univers de la lecture. Ce programme donne aux jeunes lecteurs débutants l’opportunité d’évaluer dix albums et de voter pour leur ouvrage préféré. Ils déterminent ainsi le lauréat du prix Peuplier. Ces albums se prêtent bien à la lecture à haute voix ainsi qu’à la lecture guidée. Les jeunes participants peuvent lire eux-mêmes les œuvres proposées ou se les faire lire.
(picture books, less text, simpler subject matters, perfect for read alouds)
Le prix Peuplier is a fun introduction to the universe of reading! This program gives young, beginner readers the opportunity to read and judge ten picture books and vote for their favourite one, determining which one wins the prix Peuplier. The participants can read the books themselves or the books can be read to them.
Prix décerné : Fête de la Forêt de la lecture à Toronto en mai / Award Given: Forest of Reading Fête in Toronto in May
Finalistes actuels / Current Nominees
Archive des finalistes et des lauréats / Archive of Nominees & Winners – From 2013 to presente

Le prix Mélèze
(courts romans, des albums plus avancés, des documentaires ou des BD. Le vocabulaire et le temps de verbes sont peu complexes)
Le prix Mélèze s’adresse aux jeunes lecteurs débutants en leur proposant un amalgame de romans de moins de 100 pages, des albums avec un sujet mature, des BD ou des documentaires. Les œuvres proposées ont une mise en page aérée pouvant être accompagnées d’illustrations ou d’images.
(shorter novels or more mature picture books, non-fiction or comics. Vocabulary and verb tenses are not very complex)
Le prix Mélèze is for intermediate readers and provides them with a mixture of novels less than 100 pages long, picture books of a mature subject matter, graphic novels, and non-fiction books.
Prix décerné :Fête de la Forêt de la lecture à Toronto en mai / Award Given: Forest of Reading Fête in Toronto in May
Finalistes actuels / Current Nominees
Archive des finalistes et des lauréats / Archive of Nominees & Winners – From 2011 to present

Le prix Tamarac
(romans de 100 à 250 pages, texte plus petit avec peu ou pas d’illustrations, des albums avec un sujet mature, des documentaires ou des BD. Le vocabulaire et le temps de verbes sont complexes)
Le prix Tamarac fait le bonheur des jeunes lecteurs assurés en leur offrant une sélection variée. Que ce soit des romans (100 pages ou plus), des albums avec un sujet mature, des documentaires et des BD, les lecteurs engagés y trouveront leur compte.
(chapter books from 100 to 250 pages, smaller text with little or no illustrations, books with more mature subject matter, non-fiction or comics. Vocabulary and verb tenses are complex)
Le prix Tamarac has delighted young readers for many years by offering them a selection of ten various books. Whether it be novels of 100 pages or more, picture books which are of a mature subject matter, non-fiction books, or graphic novels, advanced readers will place their vote among these works.
Prix décerné : Fête de la Forêt de la lecture à Toronto en mai / Award Given: Forest of Reading Fête in Toronto in May
Finalistes actuels / Current Nominees
Archive des finalistes et des lauréats / Archive of Nominees & Winners – From 2009 to present